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Services grid 3

For mystery shopping, experienced and well-trained shoppers pose as actual customers/prospective clients to transact normal business at these shops. Leyhausen Research Africa Mystery Shoppers usually observe shops or outlet activities. Nature of the study determines where to observe either internally or externally or even both. It also involves interaction with the agents/clerks to be able...
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In our centrally located and adequately equipped test studios in Lagos and other major cities in Africa, we provide you with a full service in respect of studio tests: From recruiting, implementation of interviews right up to customers liason, our experienced and competent studio managers work in accordance with your expectations and desires. Flexibility is...
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Services grid 4

For mystery shopping, experienced and well-trained shoppers pose as actual customers/prospective clients to transact normal business at these shops. Leyhausen Research Africa Mystery Shoppers usually observe shops or outlet activities. Nature of the study determines where to observe either internally or externally or even both. It also involves interaction with the agents/clerks to be able...
In our centrally located and adequately equipped test studios in Lagos and other major cities in Africa, we provide you with a full service in respect of studio tests: From recruiting, implementation of interviews right up to customers liason, our experienced and competent studio managers work in accordance with your expectations and desires. Flexibility is...
Telephone interviewing is considered the most efficient method of data collection as it enables you to reach your target group precisely and directly: In the B2C area, in the B2B area with decision-makers from all sectors and management areas and with mystery calls or when recruiting (e.g.. for group discussions, car clinics and CAPI studies)....
The internet is quickly evolving into an instrument for collecting data in the market and social research. The number of interviews carried out online is steadily increasing. Thus, the attraction of the internet can above all be traced back to the cost and time advantages in comparison to traditional methods of data collection with comparable...
Market research is not just a job to us, it is our passion. With the most varied of methods, we collect economically relevant and scientifically representative data. We provide national and international services within the market research sector as a field services institute, implemented from our own premises and also by qualified cooperation partners: Your...
Leyhausen Research Africa is in a position to organise and implement national and international field studies of any size at any time. From our own premises in Nigeria and with our own interviewers in many African countries, we organise, coordinate and manage our national and international fieldwork to collect data for you on the behaviour...

Services grid 5


Mystery Shopping

For mystery shopping, experienced and well-trained shoppers pose as actual customers/prospective clients to transact normal business at these shops. Leyhausen Research Africa Mystery Shoppers usually observe shops or outlet activities. Nature of the study determines where to observe either internally or externally or even both. It also involves interaction with the agents/clerks to be able...

Studio Services

In our centrally located and adequately equipped test studios in Lagos and other major cities in Africa, we provide you with a full service in respect of studio tests: From recruiting, implementation of interviews right up to customers liason, our experienced and competent studio managers work in accordance with your expectations and desires. Flexibility is...

CATI Services

Telephone interviewing is considered the most efficient method of data collection as it enables you to reach your target group precisely and directly: In the B2C area, in the B2B area with decision-makers from all sectors and management areas and with mystery calls or when recruiting (e.g.. for group discussions, car clinics and CAPI studies)....
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