Leyhausen Research Africa is in a position to organise and implement national and international field studies of any size at any time.
From our own premises in Nigeria and with our own interviewers in many African countries, we organise, coordinate and manage our national and international fieldwork to collect data for you on the behaviour of people in the market place, in the consumer field and on a social level.
Through the use of multimedia laptops, we cannot only carry out paper & pencil surveys but also fields and CAPI interviews. We have 80 laptops, 40 tablets and 85 PDAs and a large pool of trained and experienced interviewers in all geo-political zones who are equipped with their own computers, enabling the realisation of a large number of cases.
CAPI data collection is carried out using modern multimedia laptops which are capable of recording audio files (music, advertisements amongst others) and video sequences. We use the proven software ingress, amongst others, for all computer-aided surveys.